Results of the first half of 2017


  • Positive economic environment strengthens business development
  • M&A costs and currency effects weigh on margins
  • Adjusted operating EBIT exceeds first half of 2016

In the first half of 2017, the RHI Group’s revenue was up 3.1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} on the comparative period of 2016 and amounted to € 855.8 million. Revenue of the Steel Division rose by 2.9{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}, among other things thanks to a positive business development in the US. The increase in revenue by 2.0{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the Industrial Division is among other things due to higher project deliveries of the glass business unit and a satisfactory repair business in the cement/lime business unit.

Stefan Borgas, CEO of RHI and designated CEO of RHI-Magnesita, comments on the half-year result: “In the first half of the year, we got many issues on the right track, even though the figures were somewhat mixed due to one-off effects. We expect a strong third quarter and are confident to achieve the goals we set.”

The operating EBIT amounted to € 59.0 million in the first half of 2017 after € 70.2 million in the first half of 2016 and includes external costs of € 12.6 million related to the planned combination of RHI and Magnesita as well as negative currency effects of € 9.2 million resulting from the measurement of balance sheet items. Adjusted for these two effects, the operating EBIT amounts to € 80.8 million in the first half of 2017, which corresponds to a margin of 9.4{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}. This positive development is among other things attributable to a more favorable market environment in many customer industries, the associated improved order situation and the resulting higher utilization of production capacities. The higher raw material costs resulting from a shortage of supply could so far not be fully passed on to customers.

EBIT amounted to € 49.6 million in the first half of the year and includes impairments of € 5.5 million as a result of the planned sale or closure of the plant in Aken, Germany. The imminent sale of the Italian San Vito plant and the Russian Podolsk plant, which produce fused cast refractories for the use in the glass industry led to impairments of € 1.7 million. The negative net effect from the power supply contract in Norway of € 1.2 million resulting from declining electricity future prices also had a negative impact on EBIT. In addition, restructuring costs of € 1.0 million related to changes in the product portfolio at the site in Porsgrunn, Norway, were incurred in the first quarter of 2017.

Net cash flow from operating activities amounted to € 39.8 million in the first half of 2017 after € 76.7 million in the same period of 2016. Net cash flow from investing activities amounted to € (4.8) million in the first half of 2017 after € (17.1) million in the first half of 2016. Free cash flow thus amounted to € 35.0 million in the first half of 2017 after € 59.6 million in the comparative period of 2016.

Development in the second quarter of 2017 In the second quarter of 2017 the RHI Group’s revenue increased by 4.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} compared with the preceding quarter and amounted to € 437.0 million. This increase is due to higher contributions to revenue by both the Steel Division and the Industrial Division. Here, revenue growth is above all attributable to the start of the maintenance season in the oil and gas segment in North America as well as in Europe.

The operating EBIT amounted to € 21.1 million in the past quarter compared with € 37.9 million in the first quarter of 2017 and includes external costs of € 8.8 million related to the planned combination of RHI and Magnesita as well negative currency effects of € 5.6 million resulting from the measurement of balance sheet items. Adjusted for these two effects, the operating EBIT amounts to € 35.5 million in the second quarter of 2017, which corresponds to a margin of 8.1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}.

Outlook In its forecast published in July 2017, the International Monetary Fund predicts global economic growth of 3.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the current year after 3.2{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the year 2016. However, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the impact of the policies of the newly elected US government. Although the environment in the advanced economies improved, especially in Europe, the pace of growth in the emerging markets will continue to influence the global economy to a significant extent. Based on a current study, the research institute CRU expects a decline in steel production in China by roughly 1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the year 2017 and an increase in steel production outside China by 4{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}. Based on these estimates, RHI expects a more positive market environment in 2017. The focus will stay on the generation of free cash flow in the current financial year in order to reduce net debt further. Due to the preparations for a successful completion of the planned combination with Magnesita and the integration of the two companies, external costs will be incurred.

Closing of the combination with Magnesita expected for late October The planned combination of RHI and Magnesita has obtained all merger control clearances. The company is currently working intensively on the preparations for the share’s listing in the Premium Segment of the London Stock Exchange. The first trading day in London and the closing of the transaction are scheduled for late October 2017.

Stefan Borgas adds: “London offers the company as the global market leader in the refractories segment access to an important capital market. At the same time we will stay loyal to the Vienna Stock Exchange via the new Global Market. With the combination of the two companies we will open a new chapter in the long history of RHI.”

in € million Revenue EBITDA EBITDA margin Operating EBIT 1) Operating EBIT margin EBIT EBIT margin Profit before income tax Profit after income tax 1H/2017 855.8 89.2 10.4{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 59.0 6.9{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 49.6 5.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 45.9 25.7 1H/2016 830.2 100.6 12.1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 70.2 8.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 68.6 8.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 62.9 38.9 Delta 3.1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (11.3){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (1.7)pp (16.0){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (1.6)pp (27.7){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (2.5)pp (27.0){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (33.9){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 2Q/2017 437.0 40.7 9.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 21.1 4.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 17.0 3.9{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 15.7 7.2 1Q/2017 418.8 48.5 11.6{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 37.9 9.0{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 32.6 7.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 30.2 18.5 Delta 4.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (16.1){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (2.3)pp (44.3){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (4.2)pp (47.9){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (3.9)pp (48.0){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} (61.1){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}

1) EBIT before expenses from derivatives from supply contracts, impairment and restructuring effects


Planned adaptations in the production network are progressing

The planned combination of RHI AG with the Brazilian Magnesita was approved by the European Commission on June 28, 2017 subject to conditions. Today, RHI signed a contract with a European refractories supplier regarding the sale of its dolomite business in the European Economic Area. The sale consists of the production sites in Marone, Italy, and Lugones, Spain. The contribution to revenue of the two RHI plants amounted to roughly € 50 million in the financial year 2016 and represents roughly 3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} of the Group’s revenue in the year 2016. For the closing of the transaction, the European Commission has to confirm the buyer. Resulting from the transaction, a positive contribution to earnings in the medium single-digit millions is expected in the fourth quarter of 2017.

„With the sale of the two sites, the combination of RHI AG with Magnesita is also still right on schedule“, commented CEO Stefan Borgas. “We expect the confirmation by the European Commission in the near future.”

In late August, a contract was also signed to sell the production sits in San Vito, Italy, and Sherbinska, Russia. With the closing of the transaction, which is expected for the third quarter of 2017, the RHI Group divests the production of fused cast refractories for the use in the glass industry, which is associated with high fixed costs. Revenue that was generated with products manufactured at the two plants amounted to roughly € 26 million in 2016. The measurement of the disposal group based on the purchase price offer led to an impairment of € 1.7 million in the second quarter of 2017.

In the first half of 2017, production at the site in Aken, Germany, was stopped for an indefinite period. The Management Board intends to sell or close the plant in order to ensure capacity utilization of the production network. The inactive assets were impaired by € 5.5 million as of June 30, 2017.

“The global network optimization of RHI is progressing. As planned, we are implementing the individual measures and also optimize our positioning geographically in every way”, Borgas emphasizes.


RHI shareholders vote in favor of proposed resolutions with a majority of more than 99.7{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} and enable combination of RHI and Magnesita


  • Extraordinary general meeting enables all legally required steps to create the new world market leader RHI-Magnesita in the refractory industry
  • Closing of the transaction contemplated to take place late October 2017
  • Announcement of the nominated RHI Magnesita N.V. Directors

RHI AG’s shareholders approved the proposed resolutions with an overwhelming majority of more than 99.7{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} of the share capital represented at today’s extraordinary general meeting. “With this clear vote, we have been given a clear mandate for the combination of the two companies. The shareholders’ decision paves the way for a new, powerful company, which leads the global refractories market and also drives it with its innovations,” commented Stefan Borgas, designated CEO of RHI-Magnesita. The resolution was preceded by a unanimous recommendation for the combination by the RHI AG Supervisory Board including the employee representatives. 

The combination of RHI and Magnesita will enable the combined company to offer its customers an even more comprehensive range of services and thus provide added value. There is further significant value creation potential due to the realization of planned synergies and innovations based on the combined know-how of the companies.

At the end of the general meeting, Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer thanked the company’s CFO, Barbara Potisk-Eibensteiner, who will leave the company as of the end of August 2017, for her excellent work over the past ten years.

Overview of the transaction steps
At today’s general meeting, the two steps required for the reorganization under Austrian company law were approved: (1) the spin-off of all significant assets of RHI AG to its wholly-owned Austrian subsidiary RHI Feuerfest GmbH and (2) the subsequent cross-border merger of RHI AG with its wholly-owned Dutch subsidiary RHI-MAG N.V. As a result of the second step, RHI-MAG N.V. will become the group holding company. Completion of the acquisition by RHI-MAG N.V. of a controlling interest in Magnesita Refratários S.A. is scheduled to occur shortly after the merger becomes legally effective and after the ordinary shares of RHI-MAG N.V. (represented by Depositary Interests) have been admitted to listing on the Premium Segment of the London Stock Exchange. The new company will be managed by a European-Brazilian management team in Vienna.

Composition of the future Board of RHI Magnesita N.V.
After the merger has become legally effective, the company name of RHI-MAG N.V. will be changed to RHI-Magnesita N.V. The Board of RHI Magnesita N.V. will consist of 19 directors and will include two executive directors, the designated CEO Stefan Borgas and the designated CFO Octavio Lopes, as well as 17 non-executive directors, six of whom will be employee representatives. Seven of the remaining eleven non-executive directors will be appointed as independent directors in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code of the UK Financial Reporting Council. The following persons are planned for these appointments: Jim Leng (Senior Independent Director), Celia Baxter (Chair Remuneration Committee), John Ramsay (Chair Audit Committee), David Haines, Andrew Hosty, Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, Karl Sevelda. In addition, Herbert Cordt (Chairman), David Schlaff, Stanislaus zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and Fersen Lambranho are planned to be appointed to the Board.

Next steps for the closing end of October 2017
After the resolutions of the general meeting, the management will focus on the further implementation of the planned steps for the combination of RHI and Magnesita. According to the time line, the closing of the transaction is scheduled for the end of October 2017. The main focus will be placed on meeting the merger control clearance requirements in Europe regarding the sale of three European plants, the preparation of the listing in the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange and the detailed planning of integration measures for the combination of the two companies.


Results of the extraordinary general meeting on August 4, 2017 (ad hoc)

The extraordinary general meeting of RHI AG today approved the spin-off of all significant assets of RHI AG to its wholly-owned Austrian subsidiary RHI Feuerfest GmbH and the subsequent cross-border merger of RHI AG with its wholly-owned Dutch subsidiary RHI-MAG N.V. with a majority of more than 99.7{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} of the votes cast. Completion of the acquisition by RHI-MAG N.V. of a controlling interest in Magnesita Refratários S.A. is scheduled to occur shortly after the merger has become legally effective and the ordinary shares of RHI-MAG N.V. (represented by Depositary Interests) have been admitted to listing on the Premium Listing Segment of the Official List and to trading in the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.

The condition precedent to the share purchase agreement concluded between RHI and the controlling shareholders of Magnesita of October 5, 2016, according to which cash compensation claims of RHI AG shareholders in the context of the merger of RHI AG with RHI-MAG N.V. may not exceed EUR 70 million, has been met.

Immediately afterthe merger has become legally effective, the company name of RHI-MAG N.V. will be changed to RHI Magnesita N.V. The Board of RHI Magnesita N.V. will consist of 19 directors and will include two executive directors, the designated CEO Stefan Borgas and the designated CFO Octavio Lopes, as well as 17 non-executive directors, six of whom will be employee representatives. Seven of the remaining eleven non-executive directors will be appointed as independent directors in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code of the UK Financial Reporting Council. The following persons are planned for these appointments: Jim Leng (Senior Independent Director), Celia Baxter (Chair Remuneration Committee), John Ramsay (Chair Audit Committee), David Haines, Andrew Hosty, Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer and Karl Sevelda. In addition, Herbert Cordt (Chairman), David Schlaff, Stanislaus zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and Fersen Lambranho are planned to be appointed to the Board.

Brazilian antitrust authority approves combination of RHI and Magnesita


The Brazilian antitrust authority CADE granted its approval regarding the planned combination of the RHI Group with the Brazilian Magnesita Refratários S.A. on July 11, 2017.

Important milestones have been achieved with the merger control clearances in the USA, the European Union and Brazil. “As a next step, our shareholders will decide, among other things, about the merger of RHI AG with its wholly-owned Dutch subsidiary RHI MAG NV at an extraordinary general meeting yet to be convened. We are planning this general meeting for August 4,” Stefan Borgas, CEO of RHI and designated CEO of the future RHI-Magnesita Group, commented on the decision of the Brazilian authority.

The combination of RHI and Magnesita will enable the combined company to offer its customers an even more comprehensive range of services and thus provide added value. There is further significant value creation potential due to the realization of planned synergies and innovations based on the combined know-how of the companies.

RHI publishes reorganization documentation – probability of the planned combination with Magnesita has increased


The documentation regarding the demerger of all significant assets of RHI AG to its wholly-owned Austrian subsidiary RHI Feuerfest GmbH and regarding the subsequent merger of RHI AG with its wholly owned Dutch subsidiary RHI MAG NV is now available on the website under Investor Relations / Publication Restructuring. Link

Due to the increased probability of the planned combination with Magnesita, RHI intends to prepare audited half-year financial statements for the listing prospectus. Therefore, the publication of the half-year financial report 2017 will be postponed from August 9, 2017 to September 14, 2017.

European Commission approves combination of RHI and Magnesita subject to conditions


·         Divestment of the dolomite business of the RHI Group and of the site in Oberhausen, Germany, of the Magnesita Group

·         Two production sites of the RHI Group affected

·         Pending: merger control clearance in Brazil and approval of the cross-border merger by the RHI General Meeting

The EU Commission today granted merger control clearance regarding the planned combination of the RHI Group and the Brazilian Magnesita Refratários S.A. subject to the following conditions:

·         Divestment of the production sites in Marone, Italy, and Lugones, Spain

o   comprises the dolomite business (production, sale, etc.) of the RHI Group in the European Economic Area

o   investment in a tunnel kiln in Marone necessary if production site Lugones is not transferred

·         Divestment of the production site in Oberhausen, Germany, of the Magnesita Group

o   comprises the entire Oberhausen business (production, sale, etc. of magnesia-carbon bricks and basic mixes) in the European Economic Area

·         Potential buyer receives supply contracts for sintered magnesia amounting to a maximum of roughly 43,000 tons

The conditions must be met within six months and are within the expected dimension. The contribution to revenue of the two RHI sites totaled roughly € 50 million in the financial year 2016 and represents roughly 3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} of the Group’s revenue in 2016. RHI and Magnesita are currently holding intensive talks with several potential buyers. All interested parties intend to take over the production sites and the related business for the long term and to develop them further.

The merger control clearance by the European Commission represents an important next step towards the planned closing of the transaction in early November. The pending approvals required for the closing of the transaction are the merger control clearance in Brazil and the approval of the cross-border merger (of RHI AG with its subsidiary RHI MAG NV in the Netherlands) by the RHI General Meeting.

“With today’s milestone, we have come significantly closer to the planned merger with Magnesita – and thus a globally leading company in the refractory industry which optimally combines the strengths of both companies,” explains Stefan Borgas, CEO of RHI and designated CEO of the future RHI-Magnesita Group.

The combination of RHI and Magnesita will enable the combined company to offer its customers an even more comprehensive range of services and thus provide added value. There is further significant value creation potential due to the realization of planned synergies and innovations based on the combined know-how of the companies.

RHI announces Management Board changes (ad hoc)  


After a period of planning and assessment for the planned merger between RHI and Magnesita, RHI announces the intended structure and composition of the future management team of the joint company “RHI-Magnesita“ (post closing the transaction):

The EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT TEAM (EMT) of RHI-Magnesita will be led by CEO, Mr. Stefan Borgas, who is currently member of the Management Board of RHI and its CEO.

Mr. Octavio Lopes, currently CEO of Magnesita, will become the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of RHI-Magnesita.

Mr. Gerd Schubert, currently member of the Management Board of RHI responsible for operations, will become the new Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the joint company.

Mr. Reinhold Steiner, currently member of the Management Board of RHI responsible for worldwide sales to steel markets will become the new Chief Sales Officer (CSO) of RHI-Magnesita.

Mr. Luis Rodolfo Bittencourt, currently Executive Vice President responsible for research, development and mining operations at Magnesita, will become the new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of RHI-Magnesita.

Further members of the RHI-Magnesita EMT will be Mr. Thomas Jakowiak (responsible for the integration of the two companies), Mr. Luis Rossato (responsible for Corporate Development) and a new Head of Human Resources still to be nominated.

The new EMT of RHI-Magnesita will be effective after closing of the transaction, which will probably be in early November 2017. Until then both companies will continue to operate separately with their existing management teams.

Mrs. Barbara Potisk-Eibensteiner, currently member of the Management Board of RHI and the company’s CFO, will leave RHI at her own request as of August 31st, 2017 in order to pursue other opportunities. Mrs. Potisk-Eibensteiner has been CFO of RHI since 2012 and has significantly contributed to RHI’s development and financial performance during this period. The Supervisory Board of RHI would like to thank Mrs. Potisk-Eibensteiner for her energy and contributions during this time and wish her success in her new role.

Under current planning, Mr. Stefan Borgas (CEO) will take over the CFO responsibilities for the interim period until closing of the merger with Magnesita after Mrs. Potisk-Eibensteiner has left RHI.

Cash compensation offer (ad hoc)


As part of the combination of RHI AG with Magnesita S.A., which was announced in a press release on October 5, 2016, it is required to make a cash compensation offer to exiting shareholders for the cross-border merger of RHI AG into RHI – MAG N.V. planned within this transaction.

The Management Board today set the price of the cash compensation of EUR 26.50 per share. This assessment is based on a pure stand-alone view of RHI not including the synergies after closing of the planned transaction.

Further details regarding the merger will be announced in the course of the disclosure of the transaction documentation by June 30, 2017.

Results of the first quarter 2017  


  • Increase in sales volume and revenue driven by improved business conditions
  • Positive start to the year due to higher deliveries and improved capacity utilization
  • Merger control clearance for the planned combination with Magnesita filed for in Europe and Brazil

In the first quarter of 2017, the RHI Group’s sales volume increased by 4.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} compared with the same period of 2016 to roughly 483,000 tons. While the Steel Division recorded an increase by 5.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} due to higher deliveries in Europe, North America, Africa and the Middle East, the Industrial Division’s sales volume rose by 10.4{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} due to a positive development in nearly all business units.

The RHI Group’s revenue in the first quarter of 2017, at € 418.8 million, exceeded the revenue of the comparative period of 2016, at € 389.7 million, and was slightly lower than in the fourth quarter of 2016, at € 423.9 million.

Operating EBIT amounted to € 37.9 million in the first quarter of 2017, after € 30.3 million in the comparative period of 2016, thus also exceeding the figure of the fourth quarter of 2016, at € 25.2 million. The increase compared with the first quarter of 2016 is among other things due to a friendlier market environment in many customer industries and the related better order situation as well as the resulting higher utilization of production capacities and product mix effects. The operating EBIT margin, at 9.0{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the first quarter of 2017, thus exceeded that of the comparative period of 2016, at 7.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}, and that of the fourth quarter of 2016, at 5.9{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}. The external costs associated with the planned business combination of RHI and Magnesita incurred in the past quarter total € 3.8 million.

EBIT amounted to € 32.6 million in the first quarter of 2017 and primarily includes a negative net effect from the power supply contract in Norway amounting to € 4.3 million as a result of lower electricity future prices.

Equity was € 555.0 million at March 31, 2017, compared with € 524.0 million at December 31, 2016. This corresponds to an equity ratio of 30.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}. Working capital increased from € 465.1 million at the end of the year 2016 to € 491.3 million at March 31, 2017. This is primarily attributable to higher inventories due to an increase in the order level by roughly 15{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} compared with December 31, 2016. Free cash flow amounted to € 12.0 million in the past quarter compared with € 22.1 million in the same period of 2016. Net debt declined slightly from € 332.8 million at the end of 2016 to € 325.2 million at March 31, 2017. The number of employees amounted to 7,460 at the end of the past quarter.

Outlook In its forecast published in April 2017, the International Monetary Fund predicts global economic growth of 3.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the current year after 3.1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the year 2016. However, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the impact of the policies of the newly elected US government. Although the environment in the advanced economies improved, the pace of growth in the emerging markets will continue to influence the global economy to a significant extent. Based on a current study, the research institute CRU expects a decline in steel production in China by roughly 1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} in the year 2017 and an increase in steel production outside China by an ambitious 5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}. Based on these estimates, RHI expects a more positive market environment in 2017. The focus will stay on the generation of free cash flow in the current financial year in order to reduce net debt further. RHI is currently working on meeting the conditions precedent to the successful closing of the planned combination with Magnesita (the “Combined Group”) and is preparing the integration of the two companies. In the context of these activities, external costs will be incurred.

In the past quarter, uncertainties arose due to a shortage in the supply situation of refractory raw materials in China. Striving to improve environmental and safety standards, Chinese authorities introduced stricter requirements and carried out production controls. As a result, many local manufacturers of sintered and fused magnesia had to completely shut down their production in the past quarter. Due to this new situation, market prices are now rising. It can currently not be estimated when this situation will ease. As raw material supply from China is getting less secure, supply concepts are adapted continuously within the RHI Group.

Update on the planned combination with Magnesita RHI filed for merger control clearance with the competition authorities in Brazil at the end of March and in Europe at the beginning of May and expects to have a clearer picture of the outcome of the proceedings around the end of the first half of 2017.

Based on their financial statements for the year 2016, the combined revenue of RHI and Magnesita amounted to approximately € 2.5 billion. RHI has revised its aspirational financial targets1) for the Combined Group in the course of a corporate strategy update. These targets replace any earlier financial targets (which are thus withdrawn) for the Combined Group and include the following. In the medium term, RHI’s aspiration for the Combined Group is to have organic revenue growth in line with the volume growth in its customers’ industries and an operating EBIT margin of more than 12{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} after capturing the Combined Group’s envisaged net synergies of approximately € 70 million in case of a delisting of Magnesita. RHI’s aspiration for the Combined Group is to pay stable dividends in 2017 and 2018, in line with RHI’s previous years’ payment levels. In the mid- to long-term, however, RHI’s aspiration is to increase dividend payments from the Combined Group, as a result of stronger cash flow generation resulting from synergies, organic growth and de-leveraging of the company’s capital structure.

1) Management’s financial targets are not forecasts and there can be no guarantee that the actual results will resemble the targets in the medium term or mid- to long-term. RHI has not defined, and does not intend to define, “medium term” and “mid- to long-term”, and these financial targets should not be read as indicating that RHI is targeting such metrics for any particular fiscal year.

in € million Revenue EBITDA EBITDA margin Operating EBIT 1) Operating EBIT margin EBIT EBIT margin Profit before income tax Profit after income tax Q1/2017 418.8 48.5 11.6{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 37.9 9.0{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 32.6 7.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 30.2 18.5 Q1/2016 389.7 43.2 11.1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 30.3 7.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 27.1 7.0{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 23.8 14.8 Delta 7.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 12.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 0.5pp 25.1{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 1.2pp 20.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 0.8pp 26.9{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 25.0{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}   Q4/2016 423.9 40.4 9.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 25.2 5.9{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 15.0 3.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 13.8 11.9 Delta (1.2){f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 20.0{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 2.1pp 50.4{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 3.1pp 117.3{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 4.3pp 118.8{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33} 55.5{f3c87e78959e7d247e42b0f6dd66b5d2e98ce6bad6b0a7c9f7815f2cddf6ca33}

1) EBIT before expenses from derivatives from supply contracts, impairment and restructuring effects